The Entrepreneurship & Innovation major provides MBA students with skills, analytical tools, perspectives, and experiences that prepare them for careers as autonomous entrepreneurs, family-business entrepreneurs, or entrepreneurs in corporate settings. Students create real business plans, work on other field projects, and gain access and insight from entrepreneurial business community leaders.
Prof. P. Srinivas Subbarao
Ph.D. (Mgt.)., Ph.D. (Law)., D.Litt.(Post-doctoral) FDPM (IIMA), CMI(UK), LEAP Fellow, (University of Cambridge, UK)
Entrepreneurship, Innovation,
Binod Rajak
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Master of Commerce, Master of PMIR (HRM), BCom
Higher Education, Mediation Moderation, Family conflict, Work outcomes, Academic Performance, Internet Usage, Emotional Labour
Somdutta Banerjee
Assistant Professor
MBA (Finance; IIF), MBA (Strategy; Drury University, USA)
Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Women as Entrepreneurs