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Preventing Sexual Harassment (POSH) + 2023

DoMS, NALSAR University of Law hosted an impactful workshop on Preventing Sexual Harassment (POSH) on September 23, 2023, organized by HoRizon, the HR club. Attended by 400 HR professionals from prominent companies, the event featured four speakers, including Prof. Amita Dhanda and Advocate Vasudha Nagaraj, addressing legal aspects and company obligations. Hon’ble Justice P. Madhavi Devi, Chief Guest, highlighted the POSH Act’s crucial role in ensuring gender equality. The workshop’s success was attributed to 60 dedicated volunteers from MBA and IPM departments, pivotal in coordination and logistics. Justice Devi’s call to action emphasized applying workshop lessons to eradicate sexual harassment. The outcomes were significant, leading to HoRizon’s commitment to more awareness initiatives, while the university plans to enhance internal mechanisms based on the workshop’s success.

