inFINity - Finance Club

The prime role of the finance club in DoMS-NALSAR is to undergo certification courses that enhances the student’s skills in the subjects and adds further to their qualifications. The students are responsible to invite potential recruiters for I-Talks to ensure and secure their internship and placement in their respective firm.


EUNOIA - Marketing Club

The marketing club in DoMS-NALSAR provides a window to the corporate world and sets a vision for the emerging managers to help them construct apt strategies for different business scenarios in their upcoming professional life. The primary responsibility of the marketing club is through rigorous case study based approach. The live projects that the students undertake equip them with skills and abilities that are applicable in their corporate endeavors.


HoRizon - HR Club

The Human Resource is of prime importance for any organization as it manages and channelizes the organization’s employees to extract best possible outcome. The HR Clubs in DoMS-NALSAR conduct activities like debates, group discussions, case studies, etc. that enhance the student’s skill to attract, manage and assign capability of human resources at critical times in their professional life.


Cogentrix - Analytic Club

There usually is a gap between academic education and real-time corporate scenarios. To bridge this gap, Analytics club at DoMS-NALSAR aims at training the students at different software, some of them being SPSS, SAS and R. The club also aims to hold one-to-one interactions with the corporate professionals related to supply chain management, organizational research, and management that aids in their operations related career.\.



Cultural & Sports Committee -Phoenix

Career is not only about academics. Cultural and sports committee in DoMS-NALSAR aims in bringing out hidden talents within the students and explore their capabilities beyond their academic goings-on, which helps in the overall development of the student. To showcase their flairs, the students arrange music nights, dramatic meets and sports tournaments . Following the age-old saying, “all work and no play make jack a dull boy”, this committee is most active and ensures that the student is all fresh for the hectic schedule that follows.


Student Social Responsibility Committee - Pratham

Career is not only about academics. Cultural and sports committee in DoMS-NALSAR aims in bringing out hidden talents within the students and explore their capabilities beyond their academic goings-on, which helps in the overall development of the student. To showcase their flairs, the students arrange music nights, dramatic meets and sports tournaments . Following the age-old saying, “all work and no play make jack a dull boy”, this committee is most active and ensures that the student is all fresh for the hectic schedule that follows.


E cell - Inqbiz

Every manager must be prepared to face adversities and surprises. A start-up can entail all these elements and also prove to be a catalyst in the learning process. E-Cell at DoMS-NALSAR strives to instill a desire to start -up multiple ventures by having tie-ups with different bodies like committees of economic and finance (COEF) and T-Hub. The students are encouraged to start their own live projects by using NALSAR and other neighboring colleges as their target market to identify and bridge the gap that exists in the market.
